In my last post I mentioned that I am a train driver. Railways have always figured in my life: my great grandfather was a guard with the Midland Railway and one of my great, great uncles worked as a signalman on the Settle to Carlisle line when it first opened. One of my routes takes me over the same line today. As a child I had a train-set and I loved to make models, an interest I carried through to my graphic design degree where I created puppets and sets for animated films. I even had a short placement with 'Spitting Image'!
Here is an example of one of my 'railway' pieces:
This is actually a low-relief painting, where sections of the picture are built up using cardboard to create a 3D effect. The train and locomotive have been built up in layers of cardboard and the 'smoke' is actually natural sheep's wool taken from a barbed-wire fence in in field!
This piece now belongs to my father-in-law.
24" x 32"
Well done you!